Dreadlocks? Dreadlocks?!?
. . .
Okay, so I've done a few online interviews recently! Two of my favorites just came out: A Q&A with Jules over at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast (a fantastic book blog), and another series of questions answered on Wired Magazine's Geek Dad blog. Both of these have quite a bit of art posted alongside the text and, if you're interested in what goes into making a graphic novel, I talk a bit about my process in the Geek Dad interview. There's also art showing how the cover goes from thumbnail sketches to final illustration.
Oh, and remember, the Baltimore Book Festival is coming up this weekend! I think it's been more than six months since I gave a talk in front of an audience and I think I might be a little nervous...
Finally, here are a couple sketches from my Robot Comic sketchbook: