I'm hoping for a cozy winter but I miss the warm sun already!
Last Sunday was pretty balmy for November and so the girls and I drove into the city for a visit to the National Gallery. I have mixed feelings about art museums. Most of the works made to be viewed on their own. A museum setting is not the "natural habitat" for a painting or sculpture. In a museum each work is surrounded by hundreds of others and the effect can be a little overwhelming. Still, it's a pretty great resource for an artist to be able to sit in front of a master's work, learn from it, and then walk five feet and be in front of another masterpiece.
Here are a couple brief sketches I was able to do, during an interlude when Anna was out riding the Merry Go Round with the girls:
(from a Tintoretto painting)
(sketch of a woman waiting for the evening concert)
Thanks to everyone who has bought a copy of Waiting for Toast! I'm working on the extra art and will start sending the books soon. There are still plenty of copies available!